+91 04146 263 221
Surya School of Management Studies

Chairman Desk

Chairman Desk

School of Management Studies has been quenching the thirst of the rural youth by providing Quality Management Education. The college has state-of-the-art facilities that fulfill the needs of the students. The Institution is fully equipped with world class infrastructure.

To nurture value based education and cope with the fast growing trends in Business Management in emerging areas, both faculty members and students are sponsored for a number of advanced course and training programmes and they have fetched laurels , participating in a number of National & International level seminars

The entire group is functioning with the objective of providing services to the students in order to promote and embolden academic excellence.

Wish them a Grand Success in their endeavors.

Surya School of Management Studies

Surya School of Management Studies,

Surya Group of Institutions, Surya Nagar,

Mobile : +919486143455


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